Monday, September 6, 2010

University Day One = Success.

I can't believe I'm here. I love my room, which is good cause I'm going to be seeing a lot of it.

After some teary goodbyes on my mother's part, I met up with N.M and J.Y. I'm so glad to have friends here! It makes everything just that much easier knowing that they're nearby.

We did a lot of walking, mostly by accident, then ate dinner at Risley. We sat right by the ice cream. A very auspicious beginning indeed! :D

I met a girl at the house meeting for Newcombe. Then another as J.Y, N.M and I waited in line to get into the black and gold party. This girl, who we shall simply call K (since I don't know her last name), ended up spending a good portion of the evening with us, seeing as she misplaced her friend.

Party was fun, basically like your average highschool dance. But with more flashing lights, louder music, and raunchier dancing.

Tired now, more tomorrow!

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