Classes have been good so far, it's mostly introductory material. Like the names of the professors, and their office hours, and their phone numbers (which you're instructed is a hopeless way to try to contact them anyway. Once guy even mentioned that he unplugged his answering machine to charge his cell phone.)
J.Y. and I went to the Matt Mays concert on the quad tonight. We were supposed to meet up with N.M. and a couple of his new friends, but we never found them.

Now, Matt Mays isn't really my style of music. But sitting on the grassy quad on a cool night under the stars? Very much my style thanks. And really, what started as screechy scratchy noise soon began to grow on us.
And J.Y. and I discovered a shared passion for the harmonica (Best parts were when Mr. Mays stopped screaming and started piping away on this little instrument. Very campfire-ish.)
The night ended with a lovely display of fireworks! And now it's the weekend and I'm going home for a visit!
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