Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Goodbye Rose-Coloured Glasses.

The days seem longer and longer. And less and less exciting. Is this a normal phenomenon I'm experiencing? Like post-move-out let down?

J.Y and I bussed to the Halifax Shopping Centre. This was so I will be able to use Metro Transit in order to get to work, rather than walking in all weather. It was mostly a success, although we accidentally got off a stop early.

I bought new ankle boots. They're gorgeous.

We also went to see the hypnotist Tommy Lee, which was funny.

I've realized something too: I suck at making new friends. I am literally a friend leech. I let my already-friends go out and make buddies who they then introduce to me because I'm too scared of people to do it myself. Basically.

I love my friends. And it's not that I don't want new ones too, it's just I can't be me around people I don't trust completely. And I hate not being me.

On that happy note, I bid you good night. Hopefully my naturally happy self will return in the morning, I'm sure you get enough teenage angst stories from your own lives, haha. :)

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