Friday, September 3, 2010

Stalked by Sobeys.

Went to a seminar for my old high school today with N.M and M.C. We were there along with several other kids from our graduating class to talk to the grade eleven students about the I.B. Program.

I hate public speaking. So why exactly did I sign up for this? It's a mystery. All I know is that when it was time to walk through those double doors and into that room full of teenagers I wanted to run away. Far away. Oh well. It turns out the others did most of the speaking, since there were a lot of questions about HL Math and HL Physics, neither of which I took. I was more focused on the bio-chem-english department.

Also, ironically, the seminar took place in the Sobeys building at SMU. And who called this morning, begging me to work?

I'm thinking you guessed right. I'm hoping you guessed right anyway. I mean, with that excellent lead-up and the title...if you didn't get it, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Now.

Kidding! Always with the jokes I am.

So, after screaming home and pulling a superman-esque wardrobe change, I ended up spending the rest of my day making salads and waiting on thousands upon thousands of customers. And no Lois Lane to cheer me up. ;)

By the time my shift ended, I was so tired I got all the way downstairs before realizing that my lunchbag (which was in my hand) was still attached to the coat hanger! BAH!

Should be my last shift until Christmas though. So no more boring/whiny Sobeys stories!

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