Art Work - Please Do Not Plagiarize

Not that it's particularly worth plagiarizing. I just like the alliteration. Still - just don't.

Superstition Mountains - Acrylics, Published in the 2010 Gryphon Review (also blogged)
A quick note about this one. If you turn it 180 degrees (or pi radians for those math whizzes out there), the mountains turn orange. Pretty neat, huh?

Vasso's Cat - Ink, Coloured Pencil (blogged)
Not really art work. Just a sketch inspired by a silly picture in my head.

Les Corbeaux - Watercolour, Published in the 2010 Gryphon Review
Inspired by the poem of the same title written by the French Canadian poet Emile Nelligan.
Thank you French class.

Emma and Barns - Pencil, put on Facebook in July 2010
Not a very good picture. But I'm pretty happy with this sketch, especially considering that it was done in about an hour in the back of my mom's Honda Civic while driving across Ontario. Emma is my aunt and uncle's golden-lab mix. Barns is her favourite toy.

Swingin' Cats - Acrylics, Ink, unpublished
Inspired by the Disney movie 'The Aristocats'.

Flower: Acrylics, Ink, unpublished
I'll think of a better name soon, aha.

Cookie Monster: Microsoft Paint/Picture of Alan Rickman
Blogged Winter 2011

What Kids See: Microsoft Paint
Blogged Winter 2011

Chenoo Rough Draft: Pencil Sketch with Gimp 2 overlay

More to come ...