Friday, March 30, 2012

The Blog is Dead.

Or, maybe not?

Dear readers, or what few of you randomly gravitate back here every once in a while,

I realize I abandoned you. It was wrong. I am so sorry.

I am going to try to get the magic back.

Here's an omigoshsoquick update since Christmas:

- Cousin Erika is preggers again, due in November. Baby Francis is uber excited.

- Going to Romania in May for two weeks with JY and MC. Livi is uber excited.

- Boyfriend. I know, right? What? RL. Four months. How is still lost on me. Oh, and he's kind of 30.

- Found out I have ADHD. Discovered the wonders of modern medicine. You know how foggy your head feels when you have a fever? I was living like that. All. The. Time. Now I can almost function like a normal person :) Which, if blogging sticks, should mean less procrastination on the posting (Yay!)

- Turned 20. Mild quarter-life-crises during which I considered joining the military or switching to an arts degree. Luckily the madness has since passed (note: madness for me, not for people who choose that)

- Lots of firsts. First segway ride, jello shot and kiss (Not all at once. Just to clear things up). First time holding a baby sheep, going to a reptile show, using a Beebe gun, building a rope ladder, making sushi and playing tag with a miniature horse. Etc. Lots of newness. Lots of good.

That should bring us about up to date. Since exams are swiftly approaching, I may simply elaborate on things which have already happened for a time. Just until more new comes to pass.

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