Thursday, December 8, 2011

NS Power Can Bite Me.

Woke up today all ready to study for my physics exam tomorrow. All the class slides and practice problems are online.

Ten this morning: power goes out.

Freak out for a good ten minutes.

Regain calm.

Pour water into sinks/bathtub so that when the water runs out (we're on a well, it requires electricity) we can still flush the toilet.

Build a big f*cking fire. In the wood stove.

Call mom.

Call dad.

Dad gives run-through on first half of generator start up before phones go down. Including cell phones. (Random? It was like a bad horror movie)

Start generator.

Inhale huge amounts of diesel fumes. Die.

Revive self. Try to figure out how to switch house power over to geni power.


Sit huddled in the dark by the wood stove with loud geni running but no power (because I was afraid I would hurt it if I turned it off wrong) until power returns at three thirty.

Seriously NS power? Seriously? I am like the most oblivious person in the world (see "thought the super bowl was televised bowling until I was 13") and even I knew this bad weather was coming two days in advance.

Also, not cool Eastlink. Having my cell phone operational in a state of emergency is kind of the whole point.

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