Saturday, September 11, 2010

Boat Cruise Sorta...Minus the Cruise.

Friday night:

So today N.M and J.Y and I had bought tickets to go on the Frosh Week booze cruise. It was wet and dry, meaning you didn't have to be legal. N.M ended up splitting off early to visit with some others, but J.Y and I stayed together. We met a couple of new girls who were a great deal of fun (whether because they were intoxicated or in spite of this fact I'm not sure...) and spent the evening with them.

However the was more of a booze float. Because there was underage drinking, they couldn't leave the wharf. And anyone under nineteen had to sit downstairs.

Summary: paid $30 to sit on floating benches, listening to the radio. Biggest ripoff of my life.

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