Monday, September 6, 2010

How Can Doing Nothing Be So Much Work?

Today started off really slow. I was sluggish and homesick, not to mention I slept through the first activity...whoops!

But then I got motivated and went out. It was kind of nice to have a little quiet walk. I was planning on heading to the grocery store to buy granola bars, since skipping breakfast seems to be becoming a habit of mine (bad I know), but I only got a couple of blocks before realizing that was so not happening. So I went to the campus store instead. I needed to buy a day planner, plus it was conveniently right beside the spot where I gave up on the great grocery hike.

Later J.Y and N.M and I went to what was cheesily called a "Dive in Movie". Basically they had a big screen set up in the pool and were showing 'Finding Nemo'. K and I thought it should have been 'Jaws' or 'Piranha 3D'. . .oh well. It was pretty neat actually, but J and N were cold so we left a little early. Plus we were starving! As always. ;)

I must admit, I like the unlimited buffet thing everyday. It's easy to over eat, though I'm trying to be good, haha.

We chilled in N's room for a bit before finally deciding to watch 'Bride and Prejudice'. I love that movie. Sooooo funny....

Then K dropped by and introduced us to her friend I.S. We ended up back at my place until ten, and made plans to meet again in the morning for Shinerama.

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