Friday, September 3, 2010

Night Owl

After I came home, all I wanted to do was spend some quality time with my puppy dog, especially since I'm leaving her in a couple of days with nary an explanation. Or at least, not one that she can understand. Unfortunately 'university' and 'residence' and 'no pets allowed' are not in her admittedly formidable vocabulary.

Anyway, it was so blistering hot in the house (today broke records in the heat department) and so much cooler outside since the sun was down, that we went outside and lay on the lawn and stargazed.

Okay, I stargazed. She sniffed for rabbits and other nasty critters, then came over by me.

And as I was lying there in the grass, exhausted from my day at work, all I could think was 'It's like I'm napping in a big bowl of salad!'

I hope you take some time for yourself every once in a while to lie in the salad bowl that is our planet. It's surprisingly peaceful to just be a condiment for a while.

And now I think I should go to bed before my insights get any stranger. . .

1 comment:

Rose said...

I didn't even notice this was my 100th post!