Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Guinness Anyone?

Woke up in a much better frame of mind today. J.Y and N.M and I went to this thing called the 'Amazing Race' for science students. Basically we split off into groups of 15 with leaders and took pictures of ourselves at various places on campus. Helpful, and I met several new people including R-boy, J, R-girl, and Y. (Not knowing their last names makes the whole initial thing very difficult!)

We tried to break the Guinness World Record for the most people doing Zumba for 30 minutes. It was really fun, but we only had 520 people and unfortunately needed 750. Darn you Australia and your student body who actually participates!

Here's the link for the video taken by the news station, I'm in it!!! In the first few shots, I'm the short stubby red-head in the black rain-coat.

Tonight is the Marianas Trench concert, I'm pretty excited even though I only know a few of their songs, and they're a little over-played. But still. Marianas Trench.

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