Monday, September 13, 2010

Queen For A Day.


Today was my Aunt Melba's 60th birthday!!! Well, actually she's my great aunt. Okay, my step-great-aunt. My family is complex.

My grandmother planned the party from beginning to end. The theme was queen for a day, so all the ladies got these little foam crowns, and the cake was purple with a big crown on top. My cousins Amanda and Robin (Second-step-cousins. You get the idea.) decorated it themselves, it looked so professional (But then Robin is a wedding planner and Amanda is an awesome baker). And they made these things called cake pops, which I really want to try. Robin said she'd e-mail me her recipe.

I also got to meet Amanda's fiance Kelly. Technically I met her in Toronto, but it was a long time ago so I don't really remember. They're getting married next fall on Tancook Island! Sooo excited!

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