Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Serendipitous to Say The Least.

I will give you a rundown of my Wednesday. Because I know you're interested.

(1) I am fast asleep, in my own happy little dream world. Then I hear this annoying beeping. What could it be I wonder? I can't ignore it. Oh, it's my cell phone. Odd, usually it buzzes when I get a text. It is from J.Y:
'Math class is starting, where r u?'
Shit. I throw on some clothes, gather up some school supplies, stick my head under the tap so my hair isn't sticking up and jog across campus. Only seven minutes late. Not bad.

(2) I walk happily to Spanish, knowing that the most stressful part of my day is over. Sit down five minutes early in room 2016. Start eating my breakfast. Why isn't anyone here yet? I check my schedule again. Spanish, class 2116.
Not again! I leap out of my chair, run to the other side of the building, and arrive only two minutes late this time.

(3) Class is over! I now run back to my room in order to gather everything I need for work. As I leave, the door closes behind me and locks automatically. And I realize I have locked my keys inside. Oops, no time to worry about that now, got to catch the bus!

(4) Waiting for bus. It's ten minutes late. Just about to start walking across town when it pulls up. Whew! Finally a break! Time to go to work!

(5) Work is finished. The sun is out. I decide to walk back to my dorm, since I hadn't had time to swim laps that morning. I am just far enough away from the bus stop to make it not worth while to turn back when it starts to pour down torrential rain. Luckily I forgot my raincoat at work the week before. Things are actually starting to look up!

(6) I arrive home, tired and exhausted. Squelch my way up to my room. Remember I'm locked out. Squelch back down to security were I am familiarized with Lockout Procedure. Up to my room again. Hey, at least I know what to do if it happens again!

(7) Tummy grumbles. Time for supper! Get to meal hall, pick up my plate. Just about to spoon some delicious looking pasta onto said plate when the fire alarm goes off. Outside again for half an hour. On the bright side, it stopped raining!

(8) Finally supper, back upstairs, bed. Exhausted!

Odd, although this wasn't a model day, I can't help being grateful. In a lot of places it could have been much worse than it was! Hence serendipitous.

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