Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cheese Cake Brownies.

1 1/3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
1 cup Fry's cocoa
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
Cheesecake Topping:
8 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese (about one cup)
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg

1.Mix together four, baking powder and salt.

2.Melt butter on stove top.

3.Add cocoa. Mix in sugar, eggs and vanilla.

4. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Pour into greased pan.

5. Mix room temperature cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth. Pour evenly on top of brownie mixture.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until fork inserted comes out clean.

7. Allow to cool, then cut in squares of desired size, or use cookie cutters to make into pretty shapes. I did pumpkins for Fall.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Assistant Administrator:

I was working with my mother this morning at a seminar for the family physicians of the IWK. Just administrative work: you know, handing out receipts, making sure everyone has a name tag, directing tech support and testing the food for poison. Plus I got paid.

It was pretty neat actually. The docs are all really fun, and the first presentation was 'Maternal Health in Third world Countries', very interesting. Then was 'Obesity and Pregnancy' and after that I got bored and stopped listening...stuff about new drugs and vitamin D I think.

You know you're at a maternal health seminar when a vendor is running around at eight in the morning yelling "Has anyone seen my plastic vagina!?" The poor concierge nearly fainted from embarrassment when he found out that this was the contents of the box he had helped her carry up haha.

The food was so good! I'm sure I've said this before, but I love Scanway! Pumpkin soup, vegetable strudel and creme brule! Yumm!

And mom got a set of martini glasses from Nova Scotia Crystal as a thank-you for all her work organizing it. Just beautiful!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Said The Whale.

Usually I don't endorse music. Okay, so I talk about Joel rather a lot. And there was a Dashboard Confessional post awhile ago. But this song captures my happy-heart-skipping-feet feeling today. And that's my excuse.

Here's a picture of them too. Just to brighten up my otherwise blah post, since youtube won't let me embed the video.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have them today. I don't know why!
Good music, good food. Good friends, when I see them.
Might be leaving Spanish!
Giggles, giggles...I feel like celebrating!
Mimosas for everyone! Orange juice + champagne = win.
I have just decided that for my nineteenth birthday I want only lottery tickets and mimosas. And I have discovered my favourite synonyms for drunk: soused, sauced, snockered, and in one's cups.
Love! Also a shout out to my second follower. I just noticed you were there, and I thank you good sir!

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Geo Class Be Rockin'! I'm so Lame...

Haha, oh my. It had to be done.

Classes are going well overall. I'm not overly appreciating Spanish, so I might switch out to Natural Disasters instead.

I'm loving geology. Especially the lab portion. Admittedly, the fact that our coordinator is a young male and a little on the cute side might help, but we get also to spend time outside and play around with maps. And field trip on the 30th! Sweeet...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Serendipitous to Say The Least.

I will give you a rundown of my Wednesday. Because I know you're interested.

(1) I am fast asleep, in my own happy little dream world. Then I hear this annoying beeping. What could it be I wonder? I can't ignore it. Oh, it's my cell phone. Odd, usually it buzzes when I get a text. It is from J.Y:
'Math class is starting, where r u?'
Shit. I throw on some clothes, gather up some school supplies, stick my head under the tap so my hair isn't sticking up and jog across campus. Only seven minutes late. Not bad.

(2) I walk happily to Spanish, knowing that the most stressful part of my day is over. Sit down five minutes early in room 2016. Start eating my breakfast. Why isn't anyone here yet? I check my schedule again. Spanish, class 2116.
Not again! I leap out of my chair, run to the other side of the building, and arrive only two minutes late this time.

(3) Class is over! I now run back to my room in order to gather everything I need for work. As I leave, the door closes behind me and locks automatically. And I realize I have locked my keys inside. Oops, no time to worry about that now, got to catch the bus!

(4) Waiting for bus. It's ten minutes late. Just about to start walking across town when it pulls up. Whew! Finally a break! Time to go to work!

(5) Work is finished. The sun is out. I decide to walk back to my dorm, since I hadn't had time to swim laps that morning. I am just far enough away from the bus stop to make it not worth while to turn back when it starts to pour down torrential rain. Luckily I forgot my raincoat at work the week before. Things are actually starting to look up!

(6) I arrive home, tired and exhausted. Squelch my way up to my room. Remember I'm locked out. Squelch back down to security were I am familiarized with Lockout Procedure. Up to my room again. Hey, at least I know what to do if it happens again!

(7) Tummy grumbles. Time for supper! Get to meal hall, pick up my plate. Just about to spoon some delicious looking pasta onto said plate when the fire alarm goes off. Outside again for half an hour. On the bright side, it stopped raining!

(8) Finally supper, back upstairs, bed. Exhausted!

Odd, although this wasn't a model day, I can't help being grateful. In a lot of places it could have been much worse than it was! Hence serendipitous.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cake Pop Carnage.

This is what I get for trying to follow a recipe described to me the day before in two sentences, from those two sentences.

All started out well. First I made my classic chocolate cake. (If you want the recipe, I posted it a while back. See 'The Chocolate Cake'.) Since it is a never-fail kind of thing, it turned out beautifully.

Then I made a batch of icing (not the one which usually goes with the cake, I'll post this later perhaps). This particular frosting is very time consuming. You have to melt bakers chocolate, add icing sugar and egg whites and various other bits, all while trying not to burn it. I ruined the first batch waiting for dad to go get eggs. Whoops! Should have made sure I had everything before I started I guess. But round two was delicious, and just the right amount!

Next you crumble up that beautiful cake (I know, it was hard for me too.) and pour in the icing. Mix it well, then shape into timbit sized balls and place them on a cookie sheet. If you don't know what a timbit is....*sigh*...It's a doughnut hole.

Then you melt the coloured chocolate and first dip the candy sticks in this, then into the balls so that the melted chocolate acts like a glue. Up to this point all was well, as you can see. I was very proud of my verbal recipe following skills.

I cannot describe what happened next. So I will show you.
*Gasp* I can't watch!

*Sob* Is it over? *Uncovers eyes*
We will never speak of this massacre again. At least they still tasted good....

Queen For A Day.


Today was my Aunt Melba's 60th birthday!!! Well, actually she's my great aunt. Okay, my step-great-aunt. My family is complex.

My grandmother planned the party from beginning to end. The theme was queen for a day, so all the ladies got these little foam crowns, and the cake was purple with a big crown on top. My cousins Amanda and Robin (Second-step-cousins. You get the idea.) decorated it themselves, it looked so professional (But then Robin is a wedding planner and Amanda is an awesome baker). And they made these things called cake pops, which I really want to try. Robin said she'd e-mail me her recipe.

I also got to meet Amanda's fiance Kelly. Technically I met her in Toronto, but it was a long time ago so I don't really remember. They're getting married next fall on Tancook Island! Sooo excited!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Boat Cruise Sorta...Minus the Cruise.

Friday night:

So today N.M and J.Y and I had bought tickets to go on the Frosh Week booze cruise. It was wet and dry, meaning you didn't have to be legal. N.M ended up splitting off early to visit with some others, but J.Y and I stayed together. We met a couple of new girls who were a great deal of fun (whether because they were intoxicated or in spite of this fact I'm not sure...) and spent the evening with them.

However the was more of a booze float. Because there was underage drinking, they couldn't leave the wharf. And anyone under nineteen had to sit downstairs.

Summary: paid $30 to sit on floating benches, listening to the radio. Biggest ripoff of my life.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Harmonicas Are A Girl's Best Friend

Thursday Night:

Classes have been good so far, it's mostly introductory material. Like the names of the professors, and their office hours, and their phone numbers (which you're instructed is a hopeless way to try to contact them anyway. Once guy even mentioned that he unplugged his answering machine to charge his cell phone.)

J.Y. and I went to the Matt Mays concert on the quad tonight. We were supposed to meet up with N.M. and a couple of his new friends, but we never found them.

Now, Matt Mays isn't really my style of music. But sitting on the grassy quad on a cool night under the stars? Very much my style thanks. And really, what started as screechy scratchy noise soon began to grow on us.

And J.Y. and I discovered a shared passion for the harmonica (Best parts were when Mr. Mays stopped screaming and started piping away on this little instrument. Very campfire-ish.)

The night ended with a lovely display of fireworks! And now it's the weekend and I'm going home for a visit!

Frosh Week Finale

Wednesday Night:

Marianas Trench was awesome! At least I really enjoyed it. We were like fifteen feet from the stage and everyone was screaming and jumping. At one point the guitarist threw his waterbottle into the crowd and it almost brained J.Y haha.

The opening band was actually better than MT in my personal opinion. They're from Vancouver and called 'The Zolas'. I looove them. iTunes here I come!

Classes start tomorrow and honestly I'm kind of nervous. I have Bio and Geology. We'll see...

A really crappy picture of Marianas Trench that I took on my poor sad little phone.

But trust me, it's them. I promise!
Ahaha, it's kind of like those Loch Ness Monster and UFO pics.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Guinness Anyone?

Woke up in a much better frame of mind today. J.Y and N.M and I went to this thing called the 'Amazing Race' for science students. Basically we split off into groups of 15 with leaders and took pictures of ourselves at various places on campus. Helpful, and I met several new people including R-boy, J, R-girl, and Y. (Not knowing their last names makes the whole initial thing very difficult!)

We tried to break the Guinness World Record for the most people doing Zumba for 30 minutes. It was really fun, but we only had 520 people and unfortunately needed 750. Darn you Australia and your student body who actually participates!

Here's the link for the video taken by the news station, I'm in it!!! In the first few shots, I'm the short stubby red-head in the black rain-coat.

Tonight is the Marianas Trench concert, I'm pretty excited even though I only know a few of their songs, and they're a little over-played. But still. Marianas Trench.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WHO'S THERE?!? Oh... Hi Mom.

I do have one funny story. I woke up early this morning and heard someone knocking on my door. My mother had decided that eight was the perfect time to drop off a little package.

That was fine, and it was good to see her.

It was only later that I realized she had stapled some pictures from to the personal bulletin board outside my room.

My favourite:

Goodbye Rose-Coloured Glasses.

The days seem longer and longer. And less and less exciting. Is this a normal phenomenon I'm experiencing? Like post-move-out let down?

J.Y and I bussed to the Halifax Shopping Centre. This was so I will be able to use Metro Transit in order to get to work, rather than walking in all weather. It was mostly a success, although we accidentally got off a stop early.

I bought new ankle boots. They're gorgeous.

We also went to see the hypnotist Tommy Lee, which was funny.

I've realized something too: I suck at making new friends. I am literally a friend leech. I let my already-friends go out and make buddies who they then introduce to me because I'm too scared of people to do it myself. Basically.

I love my friends. And it's not that I don't want new ones too, it's just I can't be me around people I don't trust completely. And I hate not being me.

On that happy note, I bid you good night. Hopefully my naturally happy self will return in the morning, I'm sure you get enough teenage angst stories from your own lives, haha. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

How Can Doing Nothing Be So Much Work?

Today started off really slow. I was sluggish and homesick, not to mention I slept through the first activity...whoops!

But then I got motivated and went out. It was kind of nice to have a little quiet walk. I was planning on heading to the grocery store to buy granola bars, since skipping breakfast seems to be becoming a habit of mine (bad I know), but I only got a couple of blocks before realizing that was so not happening. So I went to the campus store instead. I needed to buy a day planner, plus it was conveniently right beside the spot where I gave up on the great grocery hike.

Later J.Y and N.M and I went to what was cheesily called a "Dive in Movie". Basically they had a big screen set up in the pool and were showing 'Finding Nemo'. K and I thought it should have been 'Jaws' or 'Piranha 3D'. . .oh well. It was pretty neat actually, but J and N were cold so we left a little early. Plus we were starving! As always. ;)

I must admit, I like the unlimited buffet thing everyday. It's easy to over eat, though I'm trying to be good, haha.

We chilled in N's room for a bit before finally deciding to watch 'Bride and Prejudice'. I love that movie. Sooooo funny....

Then K dropped by and introduced us to her friend I.S. We ended up back at my place until ten, and made plans to meet again in the morning for Shinerama.

University Day One = Success.

I can't believe I'm here. I love my room, which is good cause I'm going to be seeing a lot of it.

After some teary goodbyes on my mother's part, I met up with N.M and J.Y. I'm so glad to have friends here! It makes everything just that much easier knowing that they're nearby.

We did a lot of walking, mostly by accident, then ate dinner at Risley. We sat right by the ice cream. A very auspicious beginning indeed! :D

I met a girl at the house meeting for Newcombe. Then another as J.Y, N.M and I waited in line to get into the black and gold party. This girl, who we shall simply call K (since I don't know her last name), ended up spending a good portion of the evening with us, seeing as she misplaced her friend.

Party was fun, basically like your average highschool dance. But with more flashing lights, louder music, and raunchier dancing.

Tired now, more tomorrow!

Saturday Storm.

Livi: So the entire province will be at your mercy, is that right Mr...uh...what was your name again?
Storm: Ah'm Earl y'all. Hurricane Earl.
Livi: I'm not scared at all...Earl. *snicker*

Basically this is how things went down. All kinds of hype the week before hand. Lots of jokes about the name Earl. Then wind, rain, power's out, some branches fall down, the end.

At least in my area. I know other places it was worse, so I guess we were pretty lucky.

Winnie loved the wind! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Night Owl

After I came home, all I wanted to do was spend some quality time with my puppy dog, especially since I'm leaving her in a couple of days with nary an explanation. Or at least, not one that she can understand. Unfortunately 'university' and 'residence' and 'no pets allowed' are not in her admittedly formidable vocabulary.

Anyway, it was so blistering hot in the house (today broke records in the heat department) and so much cooler outside since the sun was down, that we went outside and lay on the lawn and stargazed.

Okay, I stargazed. She sniffed for rabbits and other nasty critters, then came over by me.

And as I was lying there in the grass, exhausted from my day at work, all I could think was 'It's like I'm napping in a big bowl of salad!'

I hope you take some time for yourself every once in a while to lie in the salad bowl that is our planet. It's surprisingly peaceful to just be a condiment for a while.

And now I think I should go to bed before my insights get any stranger. . .

Stalked by Sobeys.

Went to a seminar for my old high school today with N.M and M.C. We were there along with several other kids from our graduating class to talk to the grade eleven students about the I.B. Program.

I hate public speaking. So why exactly did I sign up for this? It's a mystery. All I know is that when it was time to walk through those double doors and into that room full of teenagers I wanted to run away. Far away. Oh well. It turns out the others did most of the speaking, since there were a lot of questions about HL Math and HL Physics, neither of which I took. I was more focused on the bio-chem-english department.

Also, ironically, the seminar took place in the Sobeys building at SMU. And who called this morning, begging me to work?

I'm thinking you guessed right. I'm hoping you guessed right anyway. I mean, with that excellent lead-up and the title...if you didn't get it, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Now.

Kidding! Always with the jokes I am.

So, after screaming home and pulling a superman-esque wardrobe change, I ended up spending the rest of my day making salads and waiting on thousands upon thousands of customers. And no Lois Lane to cheer me up. ;)

By the time my shift ended, I was so tired I got all the way downstairs before realizing that my lunchbag (which was in my hand) was still attached to the coat hanger! BAH!

Should be my last shift until Christmas though. So no more boring/whiny Sobeys stories!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Heart

First day at my new job as an after school monitor was great. Some of it was rug rat roundup (not so fun), but mostly it was just playing with the kids.

And Sunday I move into residence. And then university. Overall, much to look forward to.

It's Not 'Goodbye', It's 'See You Soon'

Yesterday evening a group of my closest friends and I all went bowling. It was a kind of last hurrah before C.C and A.C leave for university.

Despite bowling not being my greatest skill (okay, I suck) I still had a really great time. C and I invented bolf, and M.C invented monkey-bowling. Take that last bit as you please.

All through the evening members of our group kept sneaking away, ostensibly to the washroom. C and A noticed that we were gone for a rather long time, but were completely surprised when at the end of the evening we presented them each with goodbye cards! (Yes, which we had signed in the washroom. Slight lack of organization, I know. But bonus points for sneakiness!)

Saying goodbye was hard at the end, but I know we'll see them again at Christmas. And by then we'll all have lot's of great university stories to share!

If we were vegetables, this would be us:

i.e: Awesome. And hilarious.

That's Absurd. I Love It.