Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening.

Nothing is quite so cleansing as a well-timed thunder shower, at least in my opinion. I sat out on our deck for the last hour in the dark, watching and listening to the first really good storm of the summer. Mostly just flash-lightening, lots of wind and rain, but near the end there was one truely spectacular fork. My favourite part though is waiting for that last big crash, the one that shakes the ground and feels like it lasts forever. Love!

I remember when I was little (we're talking two or three here), whenever there was a thunder shower, my Dad and I had a particular tradition. We would both put on our bathing suits and run around in the rain until we were shivering from the cold. We would laugh and laugh, and he would put me on his shoulders and dance. I remember Mom watching from the doorway holding baby Geoffrey. She always refused to join us, but it made her laugh too, seeing us act so crazy. I guess that's why I was never afraid of storms.

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