Friday, June 25, 2010

A pox on . . .well . . . me.

It seems I may have chicken pox. I think I caught it from the little rug rats on Tancook. Children. So cute. So contagious. ;)

In other news, it is horrible. I itch and hurt and I have a terrible headache. Until this evening I thought I just got a lot of bug bites, since it started on my legs. But apparently not. I even had it when I was three or four, but I guess you can get it more than once if you're exceptionally unlucky.

I'm sitting downstairs with Geoffrey so he can keep an eye on me and make sure I don't scratch. He's finding it very difficult because I am very sneaky. Seriously though, if it doesn't get better soon I am going to have to wear socks on my hands. And I don't have any sock puppets so they will just be sad, boring socks.

Oh dear. I think the fever is addling my brain. Toodles.

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