Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Insta - Chauffeur! Just Shake and Spray!

So, you might be wondering what I've been up to the last couple of days. Or you might not care. But I'm going to tell you regardless, haha.

The pox are coming and going in waves. It's milder than the case I had when I was a kid, although still very uncomfortable at times. Getting better slowly though.

It was my parents' 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. They went out for dinner. The day before my dad kept bugging me, asking if I would 'chauffeur' them to and from the restaurant. I did my best impression of a whiny teenager before I finally agreed. Then the night of, while they were getting ready, I very sneakily dressed up in my old uniform blouse, my black slack, my brother's black tie and my back vest. Voila! Instant chauffeur's uniform.

Now, you might think this is a little over the top. But at the end of the night I was tipped handsomely. Ten bucks and change to look a silly while driving a car. So I stick firm to my belief that costumes are pretty much always a good idea.

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