Thursday, June 3, 2010

Road Trip Summary

-Got mucho pretty clothes.

-Were promised a bear sighting which never came to fruition.

-Met a fictional man named Stanley, who has a peg leg, eye patch, hair like Bart Simpson, and a farting poodle on each shoulder. He is now fictionally courting my grandmother.

-Ate apricot scones that were so diabolically good they could be used to barter for souls.

-Considered zip lining. Decided not to at my grandmother's suggestion.

-Learned that you really CAN turn right on a red in the USA.

-Drove over Hurricane Mountain, in the dark, on half a tank of gas, thanks to a GPS malfunction. Grams named said GPS 'Matilda'.

-Contemplated living in the Subway Restaurant in Casco, Maine. There seems to be an odd accumulation of nice looking young men in that town. And they all eat at Subway. VEEERY suspicious.

-Burned a recipt which was for 'Sinfull Boogie Nights'. (A shade of nailpolish. We didn't want to try to explain that one to boarder patrol.)

-Blew the rest of our money on baby clothes.

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