I, on the other hand, perchased two movies. One is an old favourite. 'Bride and Prejudice' is a Bollywood version of the classic Austen novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. It is endearingly corney, in places quite hilarious, and has one seriously catchy soundtrack. I love it. I think I've rented it about a hundred times! For those who havn't watched it, do. And look for the random choir on the beach. My favourite moment.
I also bought '30 Days of Night'. More on that later.
The guys and I spent the afternoon swimming in the pool. It was the first time I've been in this year. We strung the hose across the pool as a make-shift net and played two-on-one pool vollyball with rotating teams. I am proud to say that when it was my turn to play solo, I won 15-7 with only a little bit (okay, a lot) of cheating.
My grandparents came over for dinner, which was, as always, lovely.
By the time I got home from dropping Jacob off (11 or so), everyone else was asleep. I decided it would be a good idea to watch '30 Days of Night'. In my room. In the dark. Alone.

I won't ruin it for anyone, but suffice it to say I found it a little frightening. In a good, horror movie way, of course. Scarier than 'Sweeny Todd' for certain, with no singing Johnny Depp to lighten the mood.
I had to spend the next half hour trying to make myself believe that it had a happy ending in order to go to sleep. Now THAT'S the sign of a good movie. Although I don't think I will ever go to Alaska now. And movies like that are definately safer watched in groups.
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