Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can You Spell Bored?

Bah, it's raining today. Too damp for working on the shed, so both parents are at work. This means no car for Livi.
Geoff is home, but preoccupied with his video games, thus precipitating the following comment by me:

"Video games are the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as they are the spirit of a spiritless situation! They are the opiate of the masses!" - Livi (original Karl Marx)

Not really, haha. I like some of them. I have even been known to waste a day playing them on occasion. I just get frustrated when that is all he wants to do.

So, cabin fever has set in. Gross. I wish, on days like this, that I lived in the city. I could walk to the mall, or the library, or the movie theatre.
Here the only thing within easy walking distance is the Sobeys, the Dollar Store and the mailboxes. Wheee...

In September though, I'll be in residence at Dal! Can't wait!

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