Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shipping Out.

Literally. Tomorrow I'm headed to Big Tancook Island just off of Chester Nova Scotia. I'll be staying with my grandparents for a day or two. They run the only bed and breakfast currently on the island, but they don't have any guests at the moment.

It should be fun. The house is right on the ocean, and they have a salt-water pool as well. On the island there are hiking trails, an art gallery a museum. Not to mention lots of wicked people who I havn't seen since last summer. Sorry to sound like a tourism brochure, it comes with helping occasionally run the business out there.

In the summer, there's only one kid my age on the entire island, and I'm not sure he's even there yet, but still, I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately they only have dial-up internet connection. If I'm too lazy to wait for it too hook up, you might not hear from me until Wednesday or Thursday. So don't panic. ;)

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