Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting Ready for the Centennial.

It was wonderful to be back on Tancook again. I've been visiting since I was 4, and lived there for three entire summers. It really feels like home to me. Sure, not all the people are great. Some are downright creepy. And I miss being around kids my own age. But at times I feel like I belong there more than anywhere else in the world.
Hopefully someday I will be able to have my very own little cottage there, on the sea shore. I would build a boat slip and sail every day!
Oh well. Maybe when I retire in like fifty years.

My grandmother and I decided that their shitzu-sheltie mix, Gabbie, needed a costume for the Naval Centennial Celebration this summer. So this is what we came up with. Honestly, she is just like a living teddy bear. So cute!

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