Monday, June 14, 2010


Prom was Tuesday and the sun finally came out as though just for us! It was so much fun, although I really can't believe it's over. KW was the ideal prom date: quiet and funny, smiled in the pictures, and didn't get the wrong idea about our relationship (just friends).
The girls all looked so beautiful when we arrived at the public gardens for pictures. The guys too I guess, in their own way. But the dresses were just so lovely! No two girls had the same, which is one of the perks of going to a small school I suppose.
The dinner was at G-Lounge, and late but yummy. The after party was a blast. I may have become mildly intoxicated for a brief period of time. Apparently I have no alcohol tollerance because of my shortness. Or maybe just because of me.
Got home at 5 AM, exhausted but happy. Definately a night to remember.

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