Jacob came over yesterday. He, Geoffrey and I went down to movie gallery, which is having a month long 'going out of business' sale. They each bought video games, big surprise.

I, on the other hand, perchased two movies. One is an old favourite. 'Bride and Prejudice' is a Bollywood version of the classic Austen novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. It is endearingly corney, in places quite hilarious, and has one seriously catchy soundtrack. I love it. I think I've rented it about a hundred times! For those who havn't watched it, do. And look for the random choir on the beach. My favourite moment.
I also bought '30 Days of Night'. More on that later.
The guys and I spent the afternoon swimming in the pool. It was the first time I've been in this year. We strung the hose across the pool as a make-shift net and played two-on-one pool vollyball with rotating teams. I am proud to say that when it was my turn to play solo, I won 15-7 with only a little bit (okay, a lot) of cheating.
My grandparents came over for dinner, which was, as always, lovely.
By the time I got home from dropping Jacob off (11 or so), everyone else was asleep. I decided it would be a good idea to watch '30 Days of Night'. In my room. In the dark. Alone.

I won't ruin it for anyone, but suffice it to say I found it a little frightening. In a good, horror movie way, of course. Scarier than 'Sweeny Todd' for certain, with no singing Johnny Depp to lighten the mood.
I had to spend the next half hour trying to make myself believe that it had a happy ending in order to go to sleep. Now THAT'S the sign of a good movie. Although I don't think I will ever go to Alaska now. And movies like that are definately safer watched in groups.