Friday was my last official day of high school. It wasn't as eventfull as I had imagined it would be. I pictured parties and tears and fun goodbye classes...but no, the teachers just continued on as usual. I don't think anyone except the librarian even acknowledged it was our last day...I feel so...unloved...
Hah, just kidding. I guess they're saving all the good stuff for after exams.
I've been having pain in my side since Thursday, and the doctors thought it might be kidney stones or early onset appendicitis. As a result, I spent all of yesterday in Emergency participating in yucky tests, and didn't get home until midnight.
My least favourite was the CT scan. They make you drink three litres of this foul liquid over three hours (Ibleive it's barium or something?), except they don't tell you at first how much you're going to have to drink. The first glass is bad, but you manage to choke it down. You think you're done. Then comes the second glass (and these are BIG glasses, like plastic tankards!) and you deal with it, although it's alot harder. Finally, you think, no more!
Then they come out with the third glass. I was torn between crying and pouring it down the nurse's pants. It was horrible.
But I got through it. Honestly, forcing myself to drink those last couple sips has to have been one of the hardest things I can remember doing.
The CT scan itself was actually kind of cool. It looked so futuristic, I kept waiting for the Star Trek theme song to start. Dunnhhh Dunnnhhh... your appendix...the final frontier...And the machine talks to you. It tells you when to hold your breath.
Eight hours after being admitted, it turns out I just have a virus in my lymph nodes. Can you spell relief?
I have decided, however, that if I should ever end up working in the emergency centre at the QE II, I am so working the night shift. That's when all the cute, single, paramedic men are on duty ;)

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