The bunny was back today. I was worried maybe we had fed him too much, that he was too fat to flee the neighbourhood cat. But I guess he's just been avoiding Winnie.

I made a curried tuna and greenpepper melt for lunch. It would be better if we had a sandwhich press. Of course, a lot of things would be better, if only we had a sandwhich press. No one can be sad while grillin' paninnis. Even if it burns little Hello Kittys into your perfectly nice bread...
I picked Geoff up from school, and we invented a drinking game to play in the car. Everytime you see a bald person, a hitch-hiker, or a licence plate that spells a word, you have to drink. Not to worry, we were only drinking apple juice. I know it is illegal to drink and then drive, and I'm pretty sure that covers drinking while driving. Not to mention we're both underage. Hence the apple juice. As Geoffrey says "Just because we can't drink, doesn't mean we can't play drinking games!" On another note, there were a surprising number of bald men out driving at 3:40 this afternoon...
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