Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey Children, I'm Back.

And it's been rather longer than I intended. My appologies.
I do have a pretty good excuse. My grandma died on Monday. Hence that being the last time I posted anything. Funeral planning and family things take up rather a lot of time.

While cleaning out her apartement, I found a diary of hers. The entries read as follows: "Washed curtains today. Baby is feeling better. Went to bingo. Didn't win."
The last two lines were repeated almost every day. It made me smile though, because in the curtness of her writing I could hear her voice and mannerisms. Then it made me cry.

I learned more about my grandparents and their families in that one week than I had in my entire lifetime. We found old photos and letters. Everything made me wish they were still here so I could ask them questions.

It's kind of ironic looking back. Remember how I said that when I visited her it was like she was saying goodbye? She was, and none of us knew it. The last thing she said to me was "Did you get your graduation gown yet? You'll look very nice."

She left me her sewing machine. It's a Bernina 530-2. It was the best sewing machine of it's time...which just happened to be the 1960s. But it reminds me of her, and I would love it for that reason alone. It's also got a great story.

When my dad was only little, Grandma was offered the chance to be a contestant on a television gameshow in Toronto. Her whole family watched her win the little green sewing machine on t.v. In the case there's still a copy of the letter which says
that she had been accepted to participate. I thought that was pretty cool.

And my Winnie is home. In case you were wondering. (I know you were!)

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