Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello Fools. Happy April.

Ahem. Next to Halloween, April Fool's Day has got to be one of my favourite holidays. And it's not just pranking others. I enjoy having a good joke played at my expense too.
Today I rigged the faucet on the kitchen sink to squirt people when they turned on the water. I got each member of my family at least once (And myself twice. I don't want to talk about it.) None of them would fix it because they wanted to get everyone else, so it stayed set up all day.
I also covered the signalling device on the remotes with a bit of sticky tack. My father threw out two sets of batteries before finally figuring it out, haha.
I covered the lid of the shampoo bottles with seran-wrap, moved the shower head so it squirted people when they turned on the water, and died the hand soap a lovely green using food colouring.
But my masterpiece, born from my diabolical mind was the purelle I took to school. It had copious amounts of green food colouring in it. I kept telling people it was extra strength. With the help of J.Y and A.L, we got M.C, several other students, our math teacher, our french teacher, our english teacher, and more! Each of them spent the day with slightly greenish hands. Genious, right?
And the only prank played on me was when my father honeyed my doorknob. Sigh.
All in all though, a great success. Thanks to all for being such great sports!

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