Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today was M.C's birthday, legally an adult! Oh our little Yobaby, you're all grown up now, what ever shall we do?
I was forced by M.C. to sit in the front row during Chem class today. Originally I had promised that I would, thinking that we would't have Chem that day.
Turns out I was mistaken. In the end, I was so close to Mr.Beazely I was practically looking up his nose the entire class. Ah well. What goes around comes around! Hehehe...
I only have around seven days of highschool left! Then exams, and then done forever! I'll be free, free as a bird!
At least until September. But I'm looking forward to university, so it's all good on that front.

1 comment:

alison said...

yobaby.... hahahahahahaha