Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IB Students Will Rule the Land Because You Cannot Kill What Already Has No Life. . .

Bah, stupid math. Stupid bio. Stupid chem. No wait, I don't mean that! Please don't make me write double exams for dishonouring the sacred IB subjects of death! Nooooo...
I am so sick of studying at the moment. My mother is freaking out because I haven't cleaned my room since I started studying. So I can either study or clean my room. How ever shall I decide?
It's such a beautiful day outside. I don't even need a light on because the sun is shining so brightly through my bedroom window. The birds are singing, and everything outside is slightly glowy, gilded in that pre-sunset shimmer. This is definately my favourite time of day. Maybe I can sneak out and take some pictures, heheh...

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