Monday, May 3, 2010

More True Stories from the ER

Bwahaha, isn't that a dramatic title? I think I'm getting better at this...

I just forgot to put this in the last post. Looking back at how looong it is, that's probably not a bad thing.

While waiting for the results of some blood work, my mother and I were placed in a small room with one other family: a girl about my age, her mother and her boyfriend. At one point, the girl goes out to use the washroom or something and when she comes back, she's all excited.

She goes to her mother and says "Mom, I just saw a doctor with a huge green taliban on his head!" For those of you who missed that, he was wearing a TURBAN on his head, not a member of the fundamentalist Islamic militia who took over Afghanistan in 1996
They proceeded to debate whether or not it was rude to talk about this man's "taliban".

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. As it was, I had to leave the room in order to avoid correcting her, which would have made for an awkward situation. My mom said it was kind of like a sketch from Saturday Night Live. It was just so ignorant...and yet so funny...

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