Monday, May 17, 2010

Little Frankie Moon

My cousin Erica's baby is due one week from today. I am really rather excited. I did a little research, and although only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, 30% of those NOT born on their due date are born early! Which means our little Frankie could come at any time! We could get a call in five minutes!
I forgot to mention, I didn't win the sailing scholarship *sigh*. Oh well! Means more time to work, which means more money, which is usually a good thing.
Oh and about the 'Frankie Moon' bit: she's not naming the baby Frankie, or Moon, or any combination of the two. But they don't know whether baby is a girl or a boy, and they didn't want to call it 'it' for nine months. Hence 'Frankie Moon'.

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