Friday, May 7, 2010

The Great Escape

I feel like I'm walking on eggshells at the moment, but not in a bad way. Like if I do everything right, something wonderful will be waiting at the end.

When I was in junior high, I was a participant in the Duke of Edinbourgh's Award Program. I still get e-mails about various opportunities.The one I got a few nights ago literally made me so excited I was bouncing in my seat.

There's this tall ship that sails in the Great Lakes called the Unicorn. It's crewed by all women, and Duke of Ed is offering a bursary to go on a two week expedition on this boat, learning all the way! And it ends just in time for my cousin Josh's wedding near Toronto. Can you say fate?

There's only room for two kids, but I'm on the list, and they'll know by the 21st. Keep your fingers crossed, I know I will!

That should be interesting. . . writing the Chem exam with crossed fingers. . .

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