Monday, February 14, 2011

Chocolate Makes Me Irrational.

When  I opened my door this morning, I was pleasantly surprised by a little baggie of Valentine's Day chocolate hanging from the nob. It had no tag on it, and I know you're not supposed to take candy from strangers, but I'm a sucker for free sweets.

At first I was pretty sure it was from the RAs. We do, after all, have very thoughtful RAs here.

Then I ate the first piece of chocolate:

Livi: Mmmmmm.... maybe it's from one of my friends!

Second piece of chocolate:

Livi: Mmmmmm.... maybe it's from that cute boy I met last week!

Third piece of chocolate:

Livi: Mmmmmm.... maybe it's from Brad Pitt!

Several chocolates later:

Livi: Oh yeah. It's so from Brad Pitt.

Happy Valentines Day! Oh and here's a life sized chocolate Brad Pitt. Because the only thing that could be more delicious is a chocolate Gerard Butler.

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