Wednesday, February 2, 2011


That storm I mentioned finally hit, so Dal cancelled classes this afternoon. And what did I do with my free time? Learn a second language? Practice an instrument? Study for my bio midterm?

Hell no! By now you should know that I never do anything totally constructive if I can find an excuse to do something fun. Except baking. But then I get to eat the constructive results. Not so much with homework.

Anyway, I bundled up as though the world would end encased in ice and I hoped to be the last survivor. Then I made the long, arduous journey across the South end of Halifax to the SMU campus, where I met up with MC, YM and LL.

We were planning to build a snowman, but it wasn't packing snow, so we ended up with a snow-pile instead.

His name is Theodore.

YM: He's cute!

MC: He's amazing!

Livi: . . .He's . . .something.

*Everyone glares at Livi*

Livi: No no, I meant a good something, like "Hey, he's something alright. Something good."

Ahhh, so much fun! :)

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