Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quit Denying This Disaster.

We have a HUGE snowstorm on the way today! On the scale of white Juan, if that means anything to you. If not... well, it's huge. As in oh, I don't know...30-40 cm of snow in 24 hours!

But the university decided to stay open today until the weather turns, so we will all be snowed in and they can make lots of money off the stranded students. It's clearly another conspiracy.

As always I blame aliens. Or spiders. Or peas. Or spider-aliens who love peas *shudder*. Could something so horrible exist?! Luckily, under the covers = invincible, so they won't get me while I sleep. I may suffocate, but I will be safe from monsters.

On the bright side though, there will be much snowing and perhaps tomorrow they will shut it down at last! *crosses fingers*

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