Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Feelings On Shakespeare.

First of all, I agree that the man had significant talent and wrote some decent material.

I like reading his plays and sonnets too. I just don't like writing essays on them. I mean, come on. His works have been around since the Elizabethan Era. I'm pretty sure any original material on his life and his writings has long since been used up. People have even considered the possibility that Elvis was abducted by aliens, entered a time warp, and wrote these plays under the pen name Shakespeare.

I hate rehashing the old theories, especially when the essay topic is "Discuss the importance of structure in Shakespeare's Sonnet 12". Seriously! How on earth am I supposed to make that even remotely interesting?!

I wouldn't have had this problem if Shakespeare had given up writing and decided to be a plumber. Sure it would have been a blow to Western culture and the English-speaking world as we know it, but I wouldn't have to write so many damn essays.

Of course, the fifteen hundreds weren't known for their love of indoor plumbing. If Shakespeare had been a plumber, he'd probably have been destitute.

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