Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle Little Snape.

Twinkle twinkle little Snape,
How I wonder why you gape,
At the teenage girl who asks
Sweetly for your autograph.

Is it you don't understand
That one so young is such a fan?
You say you do not have a pen.
I shall fix that, my Snape-y friend.

I hope I have not made you mad
By handing you my play program.
I see that Harry's on the cover
But know my dear I like you better. 

Thank you, thank you Alan Rickman!
Though you're scary, like a hit man.
Unlike Snape in normal garb
But still so Snape-like in my heart.

You rock.

The End.

I got Alan Rickman's autograph in NY. He is kind of like Snape personality-wise, although he looks very different without the distinctive wig/costume/makeup combo. I was so happy! :)

A little poem explanation: I had to run around asking strangers to borrow a pen since he wasn't carrying one (Tisk tisk, such unpreparedness!) and he signed my program from the musical we were both watching which starred Daniel Radcliffe. I.E. Harry Potter for those of you who've been living in a hole in the ground for the last eight years or so without television or internet. Congratulations on getting out by the way, as I assume you have since you are reading this. It must have been a boring eight years. You should write a book on your liberation from hole-dom and your return to modern society. Be sure to mention that I explained who that Radcliffe kid was.

Oh, and if you're wondering just how much I love Snape, click here. Otherwise you'll just have to trust me on this one!

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