Friday, March 12, 2010

Prom Shoes?

So, these are possibles for prom shoes(yes, I was too lazy to rotate the picute...maybe tomorrow?): I have to practice walking in them to make sure I don't kill myself and take anyone around me out too. Today was really fun, although I was the only one to actually buy anything (I got a cute dress for Josh and Jill's wedding in July too!). I'm sitting here on my bedroom floor writing this. Normally I would use my desk, but it's burried under mountains of paperwork which I'm trying reaaaalllly hard to ignore. I'd probably have to send in search and rescue to locate it. I managed to clear off a space to take a pic of the shoes. The moved pile is now sitting under my laptop. On the floor. I tried the tea-beet thing again today, except with cold tea this time. Live and learn, my friends! I don't think it's really making any difference, so I'm quitting it. Blah Blah Blah MY BORING LIFE. :)

Going to visit my grandmother/aunt/uncle/cousins in Antigonish tomorrow, will let you know how that went whether you want to or not! Haha! You must read what I write, you have no choice WAHAHAHAHA!

Ahem. I think I should probably go to bed now, don't you? Yes, this is definately a solid plan of action. Or inaction. Whichever you prefer.

1 comment:

Ella Unread said...

Nice shoes! what's your prom dress like??
Cool blog btw :)