Saturday, March 20, 2010

At Last

I've been working on this painting for two years now. It doesn't look all that complex, but a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it's completion.

I learned, for instance, that the only purple you can mix using red and blue is this dusty wilted mauve, and any other shade you have to buy (which, eventually, I did).
I learned that gold paint is rediculously expensive, and that it's cheaper to buy a gold paint pen used for decorating christmas ornaments(which, eventually, I did).

The painting is titled 'The Superstition Mountains' after a mountain range in Arizona. I haven't been many places, but I was surprised at how intune people there seem to be with the natural world.

Of note: If you rotate it 180 degrees (or pi radians, I think. A curse on standard level math!) the mountains become orange and the sky becomes red. I thought it was kind of cool. :)

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