Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crazy Things Happen When Generations Collide

My Grammy Ev called last night to cancel our early morning excursion to Truro. So naturally, I decided this would be the night I'd stay up super late and watch a movie on tv.
The movie was pretty good actually, called Plain Truth. It was about this Amish woman who is accused of murdering her baby. I won't give anything else away, but the ending surprised me.
Anyway, it ended around 1:00 am, and I rolled into bed somewhere between 1:30 and 2:00. I wake at 7:30 after a mere 5 1/2 hours of sleep( but who's counting?), to my mother yelling 'Time to get up, your grandmother gets here in an hour!"
Despite the questionable start to the day, it went pretty well overall.
We saw some police officers in Tims (of course) who just came from a crash scene. My grandmother, who is unbelievably irreverent at times, mutters under her breath "I don't know what I'd do after peeling a body off the pavement, but it sure wouldn't be stop at Tims for a jelly doughnut!" I wanted to die. And laugh. Mostly just die.
On the highway we were almost creamed by a CBC van. At least they would have been first on the scene of the crash...
Then there was the passive agressive woman who hates her husband and buys him ladies pants in order to get even. We met her in Margolians.
And my mother, who went to the men departement to see "what they have in for young men." This sentence look benign to you? Look again. She assured us she meant clothes, not men, much to the ammusement of the rather good looking boy behind the counter. Another die/laugh/die moment.
But Mom got a jacket, Grams got a wallet, and I got a pair of $15 shoes. Not to mention spending time with the golden girls which is, as they say, priceless.

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