Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A First

Not the most auspicious start, but we'll run with it. It's now after 11:30 pm on March Break. Everyone else is sleeping.
I feel like this is where the horror movie soundtrack should kick in. Unfortunately, I'm technologically handicapped, so I'm not even sure if that's possible...something to ask, I guess.
For tomorrow, plans are more firsts. Hey, gotta keep the brain from turning to mush somehow!
So, I'm going to try making scrambled eggs (Wild, right?), and washing my hair with cranberry juice (I'm a redhead. Don't ask. Or ask. Whichever you prefer.).
On second thought, maybe my brain is already mush. Not necesarily a bad thing. The dog will enjoy having someone at her level, and I won't have to write I.B. exams!
I am looking forward to Friday. Me and some girls are going shoe shopping for prom. Normally I don't mind shopping, but in a group? It's a blast. You should try it sometime. No seriously.

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