Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beet Juice Tea

It turns out that for the first time in MONTHS we are out of cranberry juice. And I have no car today.
So I googled it, and found an excellent recepie for naturally enhancing red hair. You steep hibiscus tea in 1 cup of water for two minutes. We didn't have actual hibiscus tea, but I found some orange and licorice herbal tea waaaaay at the back of our cubboard that had hibiscus in it. Close enough! I'm not sure how long it's been there, but I figure tea doesn't really go bad.
Then you add a couple tbs of red beet juice, which we did have.
I had to pour out my brother's hair gel in order to find a squirt bottle. He doesn't really need it anyway.
Then you just squirt/pour it over your head and go sit in the sun til it dries. Then wash and presto!
Not sure if it worked, but it was pretty fun, and now my hair smells mmm like orange tea.
* a note if anyone decides to try this: wait for the tea to cool before pouring it over your head! I think I boiled the back of my brain....whoops....

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