Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time To Brainstorm Snappy Titles Again. . .I'm Running Low.

My first week of summer vacation has been deliciously lazy. These are the highlights.

MC's 19th Birthday was last Thursday, and a group of us went out to celebrate it with her. It was a lot of fun, and I got to meet some of her new friends, as well as reconnect with old ones.

All but one of my away-for-school friends are home! I get to see them tonight and again on Sunday, and I'm honestly so excited. I even baked cookies ;)

And tours start on the Silva this Saturday! Note the hours I am working: 8am to 9pm. That is 13 hours of tourist-y goodness (which, if I'm being truthful, is more hours than I'm usually awake on any given summer day). I'm psyched.

Finally, I finished another painting. I will take a picture later. Because I have exhausted my daily allotment of productivity and now I'm going back to being lazy.

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