Friday, April 8, 2011

This Road Is Now A Sudden Sea.

Most. Stressful. Week. Ever.

1) You must study like mad all week.

2) Your grandmother's in the hospital to get a tumor removed from her lung.

3) Oh, and you have an interview for your dream job.

4) Grandma has a set back in recovery (she's fine now).

5) There was a problem with the system and, unknown to you, your rez application didn't go through so you might have to live at home next year.

6) Two (that's right, TWO) exams on the same day.

7) Imma hack YOU!!!!! (Computer virus)

8) Surprise! Geology field trip on Saturday! You don't even get the weekend off!

9) Add to that a crises of faith surrounding your choice of major. Geology or Biology??? And your Geo professor is not helping, because he is very persuasive and obviously wants you to take Geology. In the end you stick to Bio anyway.

And people wonder why I have issues with anxiety.

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