Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How I Know I'm Not Rasputin.

I'll be the first to admit that I never paid enough attention in History class in high school. In fact only two things really stuck with me.

1) Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico with an icepick of all things. Hmmm, I wonder who was responsible for that...?

2) Rasputin was one tough bastard. Zoned out in that lecture? Read about his death here and learn.

As you now know, it would probably take a truckload of horse tranquilizers to phase that fellow. However, when I took two Non-Drowsy Buckley's Cough Cold & Flu tablets (that's the recommended dosage), I was out like a light. This was my first clue. Half a gravol does it to me as well.

I have a very low tolerance for cold medication, clearly. When I was twelve I took two cold pills and was high as a kite for the rest of the afternoon. I seem to remember believing I could predict the future. Apparently it was hilarious.

So yes. I am not Rasputin.

I could be Wile. E. Coyote though.

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