Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wishy-Washer Woman.

I remember reading somewhere that it's better for the environment and for your clothes if you handwash them and hang them to dry. Old-soul that I can be, I decided to give it a go. Not to mention the machines on my floor were all in use at the time...but let's just keep the self-less, environmentalist excuse! ;)

Grabbed my handy dandy MP3 and away I went!

I started by sorting my dirtys by colour and water temperature. I hadn't realized there was so much until it was all lying in piles on the floor, but I was already committed to sustainability! (plus, as I said before, the washing machines were busy)

Started with warm-water darks, and realized part-way through that I hadn't set up my drying rack...whoops! After that was sorted, I hung them up with towels underneath to catch any drippings. Used the now-cool water from warm-water darks to wash the rest of my colours. Then the rinse water from cool-water darks to wash whites. There was quite a bit of shuffeling (I used my blue bin as a second sink) but now all done!

And I have blisters on my hands from kneeding and wringing all that wet fabric. My poor paws feeling like I've just spent an afternoon hauling wet ropes while sailing.
Maybe I should wear my sailing gloves if I try this again...

Didn't get to towels, maybe later. Now I know why washer-women in books and movies always have red hands and huge, muscel-y arms! I'm bushed!

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