Sunday, October 17, 2010


We had a lovely visit with some family this weekend. Aunt Elaine, the fabled quiltress, flew down on Saturday. She was planning to stay with us for a night before busing down to Sydney to visit with her daughter, son-in-law and gorgeous granddaughter for two weeks.

Little did she know, Mum planned a surprise. Cousin Erika, her boyfriend Rob and baby Frances drove down to meet her at the airport. Much screaming and hugging ensued. Then everyone came back to our place for a sleep over of sorts.

Cousin Erika and he-who-shall-now-be-known-as-Cousin-Rob (a. He's my cousin's permanent partner, and b. he's thinking about buying a sailboat. Enough said.) as well as baby Frankie slept in my parents room, my parents slept in my room, Aunt Elaine slept in Geoffrey's room, Geoffrey slept in the furnace room and I shared the couch with the dog. All in all though, a very happy evening.

Here are pictures of my cousin's baby: depending on your point of view, Frankie Moon is either my second cousin (my view) or my niece(J.Y and M.C's view). The little one and I are still ironing out the details haha.

p.s: In that last one she has a fist-full of my hair. Too precious!

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