Friday, July 23, 2010

All Turtles All the Time.

Geoffrey and I got to spend a day with a veterinarian today! One Dr. Rob, the father of a girl in Geoff's class, offered this up as a prize in a silent auction for Halifax Independent School. My parents bid on it, won, and gave it to Geoff and I as a graduation present!

It was awesome. We got to watch as dogs got shots and got their teeth cleaned. We met a constipated cat, who by the way was in a bit of a foul mood. We 'helped' identify whether a tumor on a particular canine was benign and fatty in nature or cancerous (luckily benign), and looked at slides of blood and urine under the microscope. My favourite part was after lunch, when Dr. Rob showed us archived x-rays and we had to figure out what the problem was! Looking back at what I've written, this looks more like a fifth grade field trip than anything else, but it really was fun, and I'm thinking maaaaybe veterinary school?

Just as we were leaving, three turtles were brought in all at once. One had a hole in it's shell, and one had been hit by a car, her shell held together only by the miracle of duct tape. I'm not sure what was wrong with the big lake turtle, but he smelled pretty ripe, so we left him alone in his box. Plus he was snappy.

Let me clarify. Snappy as in 'he tried to bite us', not as in 'well dressed'. Just in case there was some confusion.

These turtles, however, ARE well dressed.

p.s.: I LOVE turtles.

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