Monday, July 12, 2010

White Wedding

My cousin Josh is getting married to his long-time girlfriend Jill on Friday! We are heading over to Ontario for the wedding.

The dog is at Grandma's house, the sandwiches are made (we always eat brown bag lunches the first day of road trips) and my mp3 player is crammed full of new songs. Because I love my family, and I don't want to tear Geoffrey's head off when we leave at 6:30 am and he's all chipper and I'm...well...not, I plan to spend much of my car-time using the aforementioned device.

We're spending the first night in LĂ©vis, just across the St-Laurence River from Old Quebec. Then on to Kitchener Ontario, where we are staying with my Aunt Elaine and Uncle Dan. Our last stop before heading for home is Ottawa. Neither Geoffrey nor I have ever been to the nation's capital, so we're pretty excited.

p.s. I have my camera. Not to worry. I know you were.

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